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Friday, April 18, 2014

It's Been Longer than a While

Hey guys it's Alex from...muffins are tasty?

 I think its safe to say its been about SEVEN MONTHS since my last post on this blog. And I think I need to tell you why that is:

You know when you look back at something you did last year, or the year before that, (or just anytime besides the present basically), and you cringe at how embarrassing something you did, or wore or said? Well that's kind of me right now. Every time I watch one of my old YouTube videos or read an old blog post I wrote about sour yogurt, I kind of die a little inside. So, naturally, the easiest thing for me to do about this was avoid it. Not post anything.

Since I started making YouTube videos and blog posts when I was in the 5th/6th grade, and its been over 3 years since my first entry on this blog, of course I've changed since that time period. Don't worry, I am still crazily in love with muffins and still crazy, weird and an awkward person per usual, but I'm at a blank. I'm at a blank of because I don't know what to post and what to make. This is most likely because I've honestly been investing most of my time on things like tumblr. (insert awkward emoji here).

Although tumblr has a completely different layout than original blog creators like blog spot, it is what I am doing in my time period right now. (This usually just consists of me confined in my bedroom, scrolling down my dashboard for hours at a time). Nonetheless I actually create content on my tumblr, and get more feedback on there than I ever imagined I would.

 I would love to give you the link of my tumblr, but I don't know which one to give you because I have a comedy one that I haven't touched in a millennium, (I literally think it was the Mesopotamian era) and I have a fandom one, which if anyone ever finds, I'm going to light myself on fire, you can see I'm in a sticky situation.

I've also had the usual teenage dilemma of balancing school work, with my job (yes, I, Alex have a job), as well as preparing/playing sports. (not plural, I really just play tennis). I also rarely get free-time and when I do, I spend it practicing guitar or free-writing.  Overall, it's been really hard for me to sit down and spew off ideas for what to make on this blog and on my YouTube.

When everything in your life is moving so fast, it's often hard to realize how much time has actually passed. I almost screamed out loud when I read the date: September 22nd, 2013, because I couldn't believe that was my last blog-post before this one, and that time went by so quickly. I guess that's kind of cliche, but it's completely true...well at least for me.

I'm not at all saying I'm never going to post on this blog again, but I am saying it may take me a while to get new ideas. For me, ideas don't always just pop out of nowhere and give me this strive for inspiration. It sometimes takes me weeks, or months to come up with something that actually makes sense and that's not something stupid like 'Bananas aren't yellow after all'. And I know it has been 7 months already, and you probably think I'm the laziest person ever (I ain't denying) but once again, I just didn't want to post content I, myself, wasn't satisfied with because I genuinely didn't have any inspiration for videos or posts at all during those months.

If you want, stick around and see what happens, because honestly I would love to see what happens as well.

Thank you if you're still reading this,
