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Sunday, August 4, 2013 Almost Over

Hi guys it's Alex from 'Muffins Are Tasty' and...whoa there, wait what's the title of this post? Yes, unfortunately, Summer is in fact coming to an end. (insert dramatic screams of terror here). But fortunately enough, most of the people viewing the blog are entering High-School for the first time as Freshman! So my question for you is simple: Are you scared for High-School or are you excited? (even feeling mixed is fine). I, personally, feel scared, yet excited as well. Excited because even though it involves this weird thing called learning things and suffering in a horrible place for seven hours every day, I get to see my friends, as well as enjoy some of the classes I actually really do love learning about. But I also feel nervous/scared because of the new teachers and the new atmosphere in general. Everyone says High-School is the most important 4 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. And that scares me just a wee-bit. Parents always say "This determines where you go to college...which determines your career...which determines your life!" so of course the immediate reaction for a 14-year-old is to lock themselves in their panic room and cradle themselves back and forth. Well, maybe not that...but the initial reaction is to be a bit scared and get some nerves. Why? Because most people tend to be intimidated by things that they have never experienced before! Example: Switching schools. At first your intimidated by the students because you have no idea what they're like. But, after a while you warm up to them because you get to know them. So children, hopefully, as your peers tell might have told you once before, "Oh it's not that bad!". And I think it will indeed get better after a bit, so good luck to all the freshman out there!

QUESTION: Are you scared or excited for High-School?



  1. i seriously feel sick to my stomach about this up coming year!!! i don't want to be in high school! i'll ruin my future!

    1. It's funny cause now we're in is it going then?

  2. Hey Alex - It's Jacob Maguire! I didn't realize you still posted on your blog until I saw the link when I came across your YouTube channel. How has your summer been going so far? I've been having a good one, but I did start screaming in terror when I woke up one day last week and realized it was August 1st! I've got mixed feelings about high school - I'm really excited about going to a school - NKHS - that doesn't have less than 50 kids in each grade (Lawn). But I'm also really nervous too...

    When's your first day of school?

    1. Hi Jacob! Wow, I just got this! Haha, well school is going good for me so far! But,since our middle and high schools are attached, nothings really that different. I love all of my teachers though! They're great! How is your school year going so far?
