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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Countdown to Hallows Eve"

Hi guys, I know I haven't been active since like, well...summer but I want you to know it is now fall! (hahaha, it's a joke your supposed to laugh). Anyways, I decided I should have a countdown to Halloween ("Countdown to Hallows Eve". I did mention this in my most recent Alex Update (if you watched it and if not here's the link.) This countdown will include some cool videos of pumpkin carving, decorating and possibly a short film shot with the 7D. So stay tuned for "The countdown to Hallows Eve", starting...NOW!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cruisin' To a different Place

Hi guys, it's Alex from muffins are tasty, and  I just wanted to let all of my followers and viewers know that I will be moving to Lenox, Massachusetts in about 2 weeks. This does mean I will be attending a different school of course. But I will see you Jamestowner's every weekend. We are keeping this house in Jamestown so we have a place to go home to every weekend, so I hope to see you guys soon. I will keep you updated by uploading pictures and videos of Lenox. This does not mean "25 Days of Christmas" is cancelled. It will still premiere on December 1st. I'm not sure if I'm coming home for Christmas break, or any other breaks. But what ever house I'm at the series will still premiere.
 Keep you posted,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Giraffe's continued

Well, you guys will be in charge of running this 2 week block! That's the big surprise. So you're probably wondering, "How is this possible?", well you guys always want to see pictures and videos on giraffe's, so why not recommend some? Comment below, putting a link to a photo or video. If everyone goes to this post the they can see the pictures and videos you posted. I will also re-post them on the "Giraffe's" page. Have fun and comment below!

How awesome are Giraffe's?

Hey guys, as you know, it is know the Giraffe two week block. So let the fun begin! I want you guys to write in the comments, why you love giraffe's, why you think their awesome and... to be continued...

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hey guys, if you recently commented on the "Pie and Movies" post, then you would see I recently said, "Yeah me and Meg are apples! Well check your type below, to see what pie you are!

Apples=Your favorite movie is action, fantasy or adventure (like Harry Potter) and your favorite pie is apple.

Pumpkins= Your favorite movies are comedies. Your favorite pie is pumpkin pie.

Bluberries= Your favorite movies are romances. Your favorite pie is blueberry.

Key Lime's= Your favorite movies are horror movies or thrillers. Your favorite pie is Key Lime Pie.

Boston Creme's= Your favorite movies are romantic comedies. Your favorite pie is Boston Creme Pie.

Or are you a mix? Perhaps an Apple Creme? Comment below, whether your a straight out pumpkin or a Blueberry Lime.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pie and Movies

Guys I decided on having movies instead of a Perry the platypus two week block. So I declare this Pie and Movie time! Polls, pictures and posts will be posted around the blog for two weeks straight. After this two week  block will be YOUR choice of a topic. Keep posting what you want for a topic but remember not to vote for someone else's topic until I put a poll up. Under this post comment about your favorite PIES AND MOVIES!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Blowout

Hi guys as you could see in my latest post I said that after the Shark 2- week block we would be having a Pie 2- week block. I consider this summer Blow out! Here on the blog were gonna be having more wordles, more pictures, more polls, more posts and way more fun! So after the pie and the surprise 2 -week block is up, YOU can request a topic here on the blog. The only thing not acceptable is cupcakes. So write here in the comments what you want after the pie and (the surprise is Perry the platypus) 2-week block is up, write what you want!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We're Winging It!

Today in writers club, Abby B. and I looked around the room and saw no one but ourselves and Mrs. D. We were devastated. Everything we worked for was gone in a flash, We had no clue what to do about the newspaper because it never got finished. That's when Abby and I got a brilliant idea. We decided to wing it. Abby put in her story about Lawn Ave. and I wrote a story about my muffin ninja's and I, and that was mainly it. We came to the conclusion that if no one helped us, why would we put our stories in for them, and edit, and publish all by ourselves. Well we ended up almost done with editing and publishing, but we did put in our stories. It is only about 4 pages long and has only me and Abby B's stories in it. I hope you enjoy our VERY rushed issue of the new titled newspaper... "The Muffin News".

Monday, May 23, 2011


This looks a bit weird. Looking at the title and saying that word. Is it a word? Or is it many? Those are the questions. Nanowrimo really means National Novel Writing Month. The title decribes it all. Every November thousands of eager writers participate in a world wide event. Writers are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel in less than a month or in one month. For the young writers program (ywp) you have to write about 2,000-5,000 words a day. This could range from two pages to six pages. Once you complete your book (if you did) they will give you a proof copy of your book. When you receive this novel you created it will look like an ordinary book, except it can't be sold in stores and is not fully published. YOU get to design all of the fonts, cover and other book detail. So stop reading this post and start writing! 
( you must start writing in November, if you write now it would be considered cheating) 

Finished and showcased...

Finally my movie, "The Clue in the Muffin" was fully edited (much approved) and showcased at the Jamestown Art Center on May 19th. We did have audio problems while there but it was fine for playback on my computer. So I would like to thank all cast members involved. Including Callie, Robert, Paris, Matt, Jacob, Emma, the Drummond's and Kenny. You all helped me with my movie and for that I will be forever thankful. Jk not really... but you catch my drift ya'll.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Hi guys, its apparently Easter so... Happy Easter! I'm having bacon, muffins, eggs, toast and a bunch of candy, sign me up for the biggest loser! I really wanted to thank my parents for candy but in a sense I'm gonna be really fat and have a bad dentist appointment so not really thanks!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Friends or Fools?

Seriously I think April Friends day is ...lame. No offense, though. Its not like I agree with bullying, but I don't think they should say "Oh ummm... people get hurt on April fools day". I don't think so. I think they should have "National Stop Bullying Day" on the 4th, because bullying is a seriously important matter. But to put it on the day kids look forward to the most, is kind of crushing F-U-N. I do really care about bullying and hate when people do, but teachers please move it to another date!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Month is it?

Apparently people do like muffins, so spread some sprit around! For it is now official yogurt and muffins month.

I know I am usually obsessed with muffins, but for some odd reason it felt like everyone hates muffins. So today and for the rest of the week is the official YOGURT WEEK. Post on the blog of stories or poems about any type of yogurt. If enough people like muffins I will make it muffin month.

To add a little more fun to this awesome month, it will also be "Mini Movie month". Publish mini movies onto the blog by adding a comment to this post. To post a movie you must post the link. If you posted it on Google buzz then use that link or YouTube will work but I don't think you can use any HTML pasting...

Any poems, movies, or muffin talk should be under this post.

(This month is yogurt, muffin and mini movie month)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


As I reached in my bag
To get my yogurt in a drag
I pulled off the cover
To see it smother
Then the yogurt fell and fell
And fell
But to my surprise it tasted well
I then jogged to the store
And bought more and more and more
So if you ever fell a dread
Never take a piece of bread...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Skype Time

Hey guys I have a skype now so if you have one post your name down below. Also the blog has gotten so popular that if you search muffins, it is on the first page! Also if you search muffins are tasty you will get it as well. Bored of the blog? I also have a website, Why the Randomness if you search that on Google, I believe it is the third result. On this blog, I have a page titled "links" it is on there as well.  I will keep posting my stories on here and keep you updated on the school paper "The Lawn Scoop".

Enjoy vacation guys,

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Guys I thought I'd keep you updated on what student council is doing for this month. Apparently we might have a movie night. This movie night should take place sometime in March. Everyone I know wants it on valentines day, but Mrs. D wants it on a Friday so I was thinking the Friday right before valentines day.  Unfortunately we can't have it in February because we don't have enough time to plan it, so....This movie night is for both 6th and maybe the 5th graders. We have to watch a G or PG rated movie also. The fun part? Your with your friends and there might be a snack comitee so cheer up this is going to be awesome!
(Despicable me) and (where the wild things are)